Ontario Genealogical Society  new logoDurham Region Branch of the Ontario Genealogical SocietyDurham Region Branch 2018  logo

676 Simcoe St. N. — Oshawa, Ontario — L1G 4V7

Genealogical and historical resources in our Branch Library are located at the Branch Office.

Lisa Louise Cooke's Genealogy Gems features the free Genealogy Gems Podcast, Genealogy Gems YouTube videos, and blog articles.

Visit https://lisalouisecooke.com

Family Tree Webinars contains many recorded webinars, both free and subscription.

Visit https://familytreewebinars.com/

Ontario Ancestors Webinars has links for future monthly free live webinars.

Visit https://ogs.on.ca/upcoming-webinars-2023/

FamilySearch Learning Center has a huge list of recorded classes.

Visit https://www.familysearch.org/en/wiki/Classes_in_the_Learning_Center

HELPFUL GENEALOGICAL URLS for 2022 - assembled by Stephen Wood [as a Word file]


Thank You for visiting - the Durham Region Branch OGS.